Types of customer data to gather
«What gets measured gets managed... »
Peter Drucker
We are experiencing strong competition in the digital marketing world.
Correctly gathered data can help companies provide their customers with personalized offers, appropriate marketing, right deals, and ad campaigns. But the more customers' data we gather, the more questions we place:
  • What data should be collected?
  • Where is the data should be stored?
  • How should companies use it to make valued business decisions?
In this article, we are going to discuss what data should be collected to make a significant improvement in your company.
To collect customer data in the right way you should collect data of 4 types:
  1. Identity
  2. Quantitative
  3. Descriptive
  4. Qualitative

1. Identity

This is the basic information of a customer, those you need to be in contact with and to identify him. For example, the name, date of birth, address, phone number, email. This information, for example, can be gathered when a customer checks in for the first time at your companies' mobile app.

2. Quantitative

Prospect-to-customer journey customer data is quantitive data. It is about how the customer interacts with your business. It may include online/offline transactions, communications, online activity, social network activity, customer service. This type of data is usually collected at the marketing department and measured to perform metrics. Google analytics, tracking pixels, purchase transactions, customer support communications, social media activities are sources of quantitive data.

3. Descriptive

From company to company descriptive data has different parameters, because it depends very much on the business-specific (Is it seasonal? Online/offline/both? How long is the customer cycle? What is the consumption model? Companies usually dive into long questionnaires for their data collection. Customer interviews, focus groups, questionnaires forms this type of data and tell companies about customer personality (his marital status, his property type, hobbies, education, job, income, etc)

4. Qualitative

At this step, we respond to the survey why and how your customer makes choice. We analyze his attitudinal and motivational reasons: rating, feedback, repurchase, preferences, needs, reasons for purchase. Qualitative data can be accessed at open-source media, social media monitoring tools, deep listening, feedback form questions.

The best solution is to gather all these 4 types of data together on one platform. It takes time and effort but will become an asset to your business, pursuing company's business and marketing interests.

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