10 marketing trends
The end of the year is the best time to take stock and look a ahead. We tried to form a list of the Top-10 marketing trends that are important for the retail in 2022.
1. More communication channels!
In 2021, we conducted a study of the retail industry (it was attended by 300 people aged 18 to 55 from different cities with a population of 500 thousand inhabitants). One of the main insights that we managed to get is related to the sources of information from the store, which are most popular with the audience. 41% of respondents noted the mobile application, 27% - the official website, 25% - email newsletters, 7% - blogs/telegram channels and celebrity accounts on social networks. This means that for the most successful communication with potential buyers, you need to fully exist in the maximum number of online channels.
2. More interesting news stories
There are many events happening in the world that make us flip through the news feed, spend time on media sites, discuss them with friends and relatives. Embedding in this stream of news and events is one of the most important tasks of a marketer. This will allow your brand to sound more often in people's conversations and increase word of mouth. An example of one of the most popular embeddings in the outgoing year is the IKEA advertisement - "Finally at home"
3. Focus on video!
The development of services and social networks focusing on video is growing rapidly. Now it is not enough just to show a product in a photo, it must be told about it, shown from all sides. Short video stories about your company's products on social media will generate more consumer interest than simple photos. Tell about the quality of the product, if it is food - show it from all sides so that it arouses the client's appetite.
4. Live-streaming
Continuing to the previous trend, it is worth talking about Live streaming separately. In fact, it is live broadcasting. Retailers are increasingly starting to use this channel in marketing to showcase their business from the inside out. For example:
Restaurants and cafes show the kitchen at work so that the client can be sure of the cleanliness and teamwork of the staff.
Large stores and gas station chains show the quality of staff work, cleanliness, the absence of long queues, or vice versa - they show excitement.
5. Storytelling
There are so many brands that you can get lost in their ads and benefits. But people love stories. The richer history your company has, the more interesting it is for the client. In 2022, pay more attention to educating the customer about how your brand was born, what challenges and crises it went through, and what wonderful people are working to improve it.
6. Less false - more life!
We often find that when creating promotions on the Megainsight platform, companies try to show the product through icons and pictures from photo stocks. This is a bad approach: neither the icons, nor even the pretty smiles of people tell the customer anything useful about your product. There is no way to make a video like in the advice above, use real photos of the product. Try to budget for a professional photographer in 2022. Believe me, this money will pay off, and the demand for goods will be higher.
7. Socialization
What topics can be attributed to the section of social content? In general, any that relate to the life of modern society: from human rights to charitable activities. Of course, this does not mean that all brands without exception should demonstrate their active position in this direction, but if you have something to say (or even better to do), the audience will most likely appreciate it. Interestingly, Instagram itself named "social justice" one of the key trends in its official report on popular content destinations in 2022. According to the social network, approximately 52% of users are subscribed to various kinds of social-themed accounts!
8. Strengthening customer engagement
Nobody can be surprised by simple reviews. Everyone knows that there are many technologies and agencies that can help you create your company's brand on the web. A new trend is to provide a platform where your potential customers would like to communicate with those who have already dealt with your product or service. This will provide the client with confidence in the truthfulness of the information received about your brand.
9. Inclusiveness
A trend that is gradually emerging from the beauty industry and begins to operate in other segments as well. Everything is simple here - the perfect picture practically doesn't sell anymore. The audience wants to see that your product / service is designed for real people: with different looks, different origins, different incomes, etc.
10. Usefulness
According to analytical companies, buyers are most interested in information about discounts and promotions in retail chains. According to statistics, 70% of consumers expect such information from you. But it is important not just to tell everyone about all the promotions in your company, but to make it as personalized as possible. Otherwise, the client will perceive such information as spam. In 2022, personalization will be one of the most important areas of retail marketing. You can read more by link.
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